Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Doing the HAPPY Dance!!!!!!

I HAVE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell I'm excited lol? My WONDERFUL husband called and talked them into coming yesterday to hook it up. We had some issues at first but had it going last night! They came by again today to try and work on our cable outlets b/c some are out. I'm having to use one that's kind of inconvenient but at least I have internet back! I've been having serious withdrawals and I have soooo much to catch up on. I don't even know where to start.
I know at least 2 challenges have been posted for the ADSR and I need to get started on those... I think one is due this weekend. My partner, Sarah, is probably ready to kill me b/c I haven't done the first one yet lol.
I'm catching up on blinkie orders, which WOW I had a lot of requests when I finally checked my email. I'm not complaining though.. I just hope everyone has a tiny bit of patience lol.
And my poor CT's... I have so many layouts to do it's not even funny! I hope they don't all fire me :(
I'm also working on some products to sell ;) and of course, FREEBIES! I know it's been forever since I've had any, well Valentine's Day, but that was entirely too long ago. So I'm going to try and whip something up for ya in the next few days.
Anyway, just wanted to update you all... I need to get to work! Later!


  1. YAY!! glad you're back online!! and so nice seeing you over on DC!!

  2. I know what you mean, how did we ever make it without the internet. It was sweet of your husband to tend to it. Enjoy!

  3. I check your site often, and am glad to see you are in your new location. Do you like the weather there, or is it the same as before. Hope both of you found good jobs and are happy there.
